Fistball World Championship – Livestream from Argentina – Faustball Weltmeisterschaft – Livestream aus Argentinien Lade Faustball WM Fistball WC Live Übertragung…
ENGLISH VERSION BELOW VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA ABAJO Interview mit Alvaro Mödinger – Spiker/Angreifer, Chile „Jetzt ist es Zeit die langjährige Arbeit mit Erfolgen zu belohnen.“ Zum bereits vierten Mal steift Alvaro Mödinger das chilenische Nationaltrikot bei einer WM über. Der 27-jährige Wirtschaftsingenieur konnte bereits Erfahrungen in der Österreichischen Bundesliga sammeln und mit Chile den 5. Platz…
ENGLISH VERSION BELOW „In Argentinien werden wir von einem Spieler des TSV Pfungstadt betreut.“ Heute sprechen wir mit dem namibischen Nationaltrainer Christoph Kubirske (31) über den Faustballsport in Namibia, eine Bewerbung für die WM 2019 und der verjüngten Mannschaft für Argentinien. Und warum ein Spieler vom TSV Pfungstadt für Córdoba eingeflogen wird, lest ihr hier….
During the recent PanAm Games there emerged a new name in the US National Team: Todd Strassberger (32), the only “Rookie” on the US team. If a new name comes out of nowhere, the press team of the IFA becomes interested to look it up on the internet and we Googled “Todd Strassberger”. We were…
The German Fistball National team defeated Austria 3:1 to win a 9th European Champion title in front of 800 spectators at the Fistball Stadium in Bozen, Italy. All the results here
The women’s team from Austria won the last European Championship in the Czech Republic back in 2013. This weekend they want to defend their title in Bolzano, Italy. „Last year we just came up short against Germany in a breathtaking World Championship final. This time we want to finish on top of the podium again….
Karl Weiss, President of the International Fistball Association was elected as new Director of the Board of AIMS (Alliance of Independent Recognized Members of Sport) President: Stephan Fox Vice-President: Panagiotis Theodoropoulos (Ju-Jitsu) General Secretary: Dr Gergard Zimmermann (Minigolf) Directors: Julie Gabriel (Savate), Mike Haslam (Dragonboat), Karl Weiss (Fistball), Robert Keller (Powerlifting), Michal Buchel (Sambo) AIMS…

The Fistball Association of South Africa would like to announce its national squad „the Mighty Galjoens“ for the World Men’s Championships in Argentina in November 2015. After a gruelling selection process over the past few months, the squad comprises seven of South Africa’s tried and tested fistballers, including (Back row l-r) Mzodidi Tutuka (ChickenDust FC),…

The Fistball Federation of Australia (FiFA) is pleased to announce the official selection of the ten-man Australian national fistball team that will be competing this November at the 2015 Men’s 15th Fistball World Championships in Córdoba, Argentina. This will be Australia’s first-ever appearance at the Fistball World Championships. Read the full Story here