IFA, represented by Secretary General Chris Oberlehner and Theresa Eidenhammer, hosted the last two days the INTERACT Consultation Workshop & Partners Meeting in Linz and hybrid as virtual event. Beside the meetings a highlight was a Fistball workshop lead by Austrian national choach Martin Weiss at the club Linz-Urfahr.
TAFISA (The International Association for Sport for All) Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann and IFA President Jörn Verleger welcomed the participants from around 15 International and European Sport Organisations (IESOs) to discuss ideas “to create opportunities and easy & safe access to increase participation in sport for all and health-enhancing physical activity & physical education to active and non-active people regardless their nationality, race, ethnicity, religions belief, age, language, skin colour, social origin, physical, emotional, mental and intellectual ability, gender, sexual preferences, political, religion or other beliefs and place or type of residence”.
The project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union in 2021 – 2022 is led by TAFISA in cooperation with:
– International Fistball Association
– International Table Tennis Federation Foundation
– World Minigolf Sport Federation
– International Dance Organisation
– Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale
– German Flying-Disc Federation
– Italian Federation of Traditional Sports and Games
– Sports Union of Slovenia