The newly elected IFA Presidency under the leadership of IFA President Jörn Verleger unanimously adopted the IFA Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023 in its first meeting after the elections. The meeting took place immediately after the elections in Winterthur.

The strategic aims are:
1. High quality IFA events
2. Governance structures according to good governance principles
3. IFA serves as service-oriented organisation for its member federations providing real stake-holder value
4. Use of international platforms and participation in international Multisport events serves as showcase for Fistball
5. Increase youth appeal of Fistball

Our vision for the year 2023:
– IFA is an International Federation recognised by the IOC
– A success at the IWGA World Games 2021 has secured a men´s and women´s event on the programme of the IWGA World Games Chengdu 2025
– IFA is a member of the International Masters Games Association and applies for a place on the programme of the European Masters Games
– 30 teams participate at the IFA 2023 Fistball Men`s World Championships Qualifiers
– IFA has 5 Continental Associations organising Championships
– 60 countries participating in Continental Championships
– IFA Youth development has led to a participation of 14 teams at the 2020 World Champi-onships Austria and the 2022 World Championships New Zealand
– Media development has secured an international TV-Broadcast contract
– Marketing development has secured an international Sponsorship contract
– IFA counts 65 70 Member Federations
– IFA has sold 12.000 tickets for the final day of the IFA 2023 Fistball Men´s World Champi-onship Germany
– IFA is IPC recognized
– IFA is part of the World Urban Games 2023
– IFA has developed a second discipline
– Fistball as official sport at the CSIT World Sport Games
– IFA has developed the Fistball Academy to an established format for the promotion of Fistball.

The draft of the Strategic Plan had been discussed by the Board of Directors since the beginning of the year and was presented in detail to the member federations during the IFA Membership Gathering on 12 August.

Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023