Lade IFA U18 Faustball Weltmeisterschaft Livestream…
With 4 days to go until the Opening Ceremony, “Eibach is ready to welcome the world” according to IFA Secretary General Jörn Verleger. From 21 to 24 July the City of Nuremberg and TV Eibach 03 will host the bi-annual IFA Fistball U18 World Championships for Men and Women. Together with the defending champion Germany…
Lara Götz from Nürnberg (Germany) spent one year working as Au Pair in the US. She is one of the lead persons, who made it possible to send a U18 Girls team to the WC for the first time in US-Fistball history. This is her story Hello fistball fans worldwide! My name is Lara, I…
The IFA Executive Board has learned that the local Organizers of the foreseen Host City of the IFA 2016 Fistball Women´s World Championship Brazil the City of Pomerode (BRA) is facing huge economical problems under the current crisis in Brazil. The IFA Executive Board is happy to inform you that a solution was found after…
All about the Championship – the official Homepage
The IFA Youth and Sports Commission is inviting all Member federations to the IFA Youth Congress 2016 dated Friday 22 July 2016, 6 pm in Nuremberg-Eibach within the framework of the IFA 2016 Fistball U18 World Championship Germany. The aim of the IFA Youth Congress is to discuss and share the ideas of youth concepts…
All about the Worldchampionship here Alles zur Weltmeisterschaft gibt’s hier
English Version below Seit einigen Wochen wird Faustball auch in Belgien gespielt. Zu diesen neuen Faustballern gehört der 24-jährige Bert Stoelen aus Zandhoven bei Antwerpen. Bert hat Fußball und Tennis gespielt, seine beiden Schwestern sind Volleyballspielerin. In den letzten Jahren musste er aufgrund seiner beruflichen Laufbahn seinen Sport aufgeben und war nun auf der Suche…
English Version below sprach mit Karl Weiss, Präsident der IFA über die SportAccord Convention, welche letzte Woche in Lausanne stattfand. IFA: Hallo Karl, über die SportAccord Convention wurde viel in den Sportmedien geschrieben. Aber was bedeutet eigentlich «SportAccord»? Karl Weiss: Die SportAccord Convention ist der wichtigste jährliche Event der weltweiten Sportverbände. Bis vor wenigen…
After the new rules came into effect on 1 April 2016, IFA now decided to offer the opportunity to download the rules to a wide public. The app was developed by some students at HAK Steyr and is a small part of their project. It shall provide quick and up to date access to the…