
Saturday June 27th, 2015

Watch Fistball live or check the archive for fistball highlights. LINK

Monday June 22nd, 2015

We asked a young Indian fistball player about fistball in India. Here’s his story: Hello readers! You are welcome to know about the sport fistball in India. I’m Vivek . We really like the sport fistball. We really require a peace of mind and need to be quick and it’s a tactical sport. We just…

Saturday June 6th, 2015

The sport of Fistball is taking over Roxbury Township this year, beginning with the demonstrations at local schools in the district. United States Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ District -7), along with Roxbury Mayor Jim Rilee and other key township and school officials attended the first ever Fistball demonstration held by Bob Feid and Steve Groeber…

Monday June 1st, 2015

In order to provide the IFA Congress with a sound basis for the decision about the hosts for IFA 2018 Fistball Women’s and IFA 2019 Fistball Men’s World Championships, the IFA marketing department created a new way of proceeding for the bidding process. As a first step the basic requirements for hosting such an event…

Monday May 18th, 2015

The Phoenix Sports Club is one of the members of the Eastern Fistball Association. Fistball at Phoenix is closely connected with the families Groeber and Ganslosser. We take this opportunity to ask some questions to Diane Ganslosser Groeber. Diane, was is your function in the Club? I am the Vice-President of the Phoenix Club. My…

Saturday December 20th, 2014

We asked Rolf Petersen (on the right, together with Klemens Kronsteiner IFA), founder of the Australian Fistball Association to explain how everything began. And here is his story! “As you know, our organisation is fairly new! We formed our federation in early 2013 and the first game of fistball in Australia (as far as we…

Sunday December 14th, 2014

Der General Sekretär im Auftrag des Präsidenten und des Präsidiums möchte unser tiefstes Bedauern über den Hinschied von Jim Blank, dem ersten Präsidenten der United States Fistball Association audrücken gegenüber seiner Familie und der USFA ausdrücken.

Sunday December 14th, 2014

The General Secretary, on behalf of the IFA President and Board, would like to express our condolences on the loss of Jim Blank, the first President of the United States Fistball Association, to his Family and the United States Fistball Association. Jim will be missed on and off the fistball fields.

Tuesday December 2nd, 2014

Following the resignation of Jorge Suffert a new president was elected in the Confederacao Brasileira de Desportes Terrestres-CBDT, Manoel Azevedo from Curitiba. IFA Vice President Carlos Hexsel and President Karl Weiss congratulated warmly! More about Punhobol do Brasil you will find here

Thursday November 20th, 2014

New Media, Athletes, Women as central focus of attention IFA board has asked the member federations to bring forward a proposal for the appointment of members of three new IFA committees until the end of December. All members of the international fistball community are asked to collaborate within a fixed-term period and on honorary basis…


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