With 20 days to go until the RE-START of Fistball on the international level, IFA President Joern Verleger wrote today to the participating member federations:
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the extraordinary resilience and cooperation shown by all of you in organising these unprecedented World Championships that had to be postponed several times.
The competitions are about to start, and like the athletes whom we serve, we need to keep our efforts and energy focused on achieving the best results.
For that, now more than ever, we have to work together as one team. Each of you is crucial to the success of the 2021 World Championships in Grieskirchen. This event will be unlike any that we have experienced in the past. We are therefore counting on your cooperation and flexibility to ensure their success.
We must all respect the rules set showing our strongest commitment to safe and secure World Champs last but not least as the eyes of the hole Fistball family will be on us. This includes in particular:
1) the obligatory daily testing of all athletes and coaches before entering the sports venue and
2) compliance with the rule access only for tested, recovered or vaccinated persons for all other persons on the sports venue.
Only working together and in compliance with the rules worked out in an exemplary manner by the organizing committee and the Austrian federation, these World Champs could be a light at the end of the tunnel in which we find ourselves.
Looking forward to seeing you soon in Grieskirchen”