SALZBURG. At the Fistball World Tour Final in Salzburg the matchups for the Medal games are determined. The home team from Vöcklabruck narrowly missed the Gold Medal match losing to defending champion Novo Hamburgo (BRA).
Pure excitement in the Brazil derby – Upset win for SOGIPA female team
The big favorite and defending champion Duque de Caxias (BRA) was put to the test in the semi-final against second Brazilian team SOGIPA Porto Alegre. The young team from Porto Alegre showed their best fistball skills and returned the favor for the semi-final defeat last year with an emotional 3-1 victory. In the second semifinal European Champions Cup winner Dennach from Germany made short work with the Swiss representative from TSV Jona. Thus, the Gold Medal Match is played SOGIPA Porto Alegre against TSV Dennach.

Novo Hamburgo preserves title chance after thriller
In the first men’s semi-final Vöcklabruck challanged the defending champion Novo Hamburgo from Brazil where both teams showed a strong performance. Fueled by the numerous fans, the Austrians were able to defend no less than four match balls. However, Novo Hamburgo kept their nerves up in a match on the highest level and entered the Gold Medal Match with much cheers. There they meet the German champion TSV Pfungstadt, who impressively showed their class and defeated Duque de Caxias 3-0.

Results Semi-Finals Women‘s:
Duque de Caxias (BRA) – SOGIPA Porto Alegre (BRA)
1:3 (10:12, 11:08, 09:11, 10:12)
TSV Dennach (GER) – TSV Jona (SUI)
3:0 (11:07, 12:10, 11:09)
Results Semi-Finals Men‘s
SG Novo Hamburgo (BRA) – Union Tigers Vöcklabruck (AUT)
3:1 (11:08, 11:06, 10:12, 15:13)
TSV Pfungstadt (GER) – Duque de Caxias (BRA)
3:0 (11:09, 11:09, 11:05)
Schedule Day 3 – Sunday 2019-09-14
12:00 Women’s Bronze Medal Duque de Caxias TSV Jona
13:15 Men’s Bronze Medal Tigers Vöcklabruck Clube Duque de Caxias
14:30 Women’s Gold Medal Sogipa Porto Alegre TSV Dennach
16:00 Men’s Gold Medal SG Novo Hamburgo TSV Pfungstadt
All games streamed live on