Leipzig STAR winner Jacob Jungclaussen will meet numerous national fistball players in Nuremberg at the 2×2 Fistball European STAR presented by Greater Birmingham CVB, Alabama

Five years after the successful U18 Fistball World Championships in Eibach, international fistball returns to the sports facility at the Rednitz with a tournament. Teams with from Germany, Austria, Brazil and Chile will fight for the first “2×2 Fistball European STAR” presented by Birmingham (USA), the venue of the next World Games. The preliminary round starts at 11 am, the final around 5 pm. Admission is free.

Leipzig winner Jacob Jungclaussen, who won with Fabio Lauck a week ago, will compete with Marc Löwe this time. In the field of participants filled with numerous national players, he will meet, among others, Fabian Sagstetter from Schweinfurt, who will compete together with national teammate Nick Trinemeier from Mannheim. Other top players include German U18 World Champion Johannes Jungclaussen, who has entered together with German U18 national coach Kolja Meyer.

From Brazil, national player Gabriel Heck has announced his participation. He will form a team with Brazilian U18 national player Manuela Zott Jacobs. Both are playing in the Austrian Bundesliga.

In addition to mixed teams, mixed country teams are also allowed, as demonstrated by Chile’s Lorenza Valenzuela and IFA General Secretary Christoph Oberlehner from Austria.

Game schedule
11:00 Preliminary round
14:00 1/8 Final
15:30 Quarter finals
16:30 Semifinals
17:00 Final (20 min after the end of the semifinal)