Welcoming the best teams in the world – whether it’s the best club teams at the annual World Tour Finals, male and female talent at the 2026 U18 World Championship or the stars of the fistball scene at the 2027 Men’s World Championship: the International Fistball Association (IFA) is currently giving interested organizers the opportunity to apply to host international events in the years 2025 to 2027.

Sönke Spille, who as IFA Head of Events has been responsible for the organization of IFA events since the summer, is in charge of this. In this interview, he talks about the bidding events, criteria and the application process.

After the Men’s World Championships in Mannheim and the World Tour Final in Curitiba, the focus for events is already looking further into the future. At the beginning of December, the IFA announced the bidding process for the events from 2025 to 2027. What is the current status?

The first interested candidates have come forward, with whom we held a kick-off meeting and answered questions in specific. I think we have a very diverse range of events in the advertised period: Whether it’s offering the best young international talent a great stage or the World Tour Finals, which have thrilled me in recent years with their great atmosphere among the participating teams. Then there is the Men’s World Championships, which will certainly be another highlight event for our sport. I am convinced that these will all be great events. We have further developed the bidding process and created the greatest possible transparency.

What is different than in the past?

We have put together a brochure with all the important information for each event. These are available on a dedicated website, which is also used to submit the expression of interest. Our aim is to give as good an impression as possible of the individual events on the website and in the brochure and at the same time provide all the important facts that are important for an organizer.

Who can apply to be an organizer and where is this possible?

Clubs, associations and cooperations such as a city with a local club can submit their intentions to host an IFA event. There is a form for this purpose, which only serves to make initial contact. By registering here, you do not enter into any obligations. The expression of interest is possible until 15 January. I will then contact the interested applicant directly.

What requirements do applicants have to meet?

I believe it is important that the potential organizers come with an initial vision of how they can imagine the event. It is primarily about exchanging initial ideas and plans. The IFA clearly sees itself as a contact and supporter on the way to the official application and then later during the implementation.

How does the awarding process work?

All interested applicants will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire. Among other things, this covers the infrastructure requirements, which volunteer concept is being considered and what the plans are in terms of media impact. We also want to take a closer look at the plans for teams and spectators as well as ideas for sustainability. We are available to all interested applicants with help and advice.

The information must be submitted by 20 March 2024, after which a jury will evaluate the concepts and the event will be awarded by the IFA Executive Board. Ideally, this process could be completed for all events as early as spring. We see this as a transparent process with equal conditions for all applicants. And: We want to offer better planning security for everyone by awarding contracts as early as possible!

Events International Fistball Association